Opening Theory: Control the Center
The best way to gain an advantage over your opponent is to control the center of the
board. When chess players control the center of the board, they can limit their
opponent’s ability to move pieces, use their pieces more effectively, and influence the
game strategically.
To understand the importance of controlling the center, we will look at a game played
by Paul Morphy. Morphy was an American chess player and was considered to have
been the greatest chess master of his era. Many people look at his games to grow as
players and deepen their understanding of the game.
Coach’s Comment:
Morphy is actually playing a blindfolded simultaneous game in this match. This means
that he is playing multiple people at the same time without looking at the board.
Game Information:
– Blindfold simultaneous exhibition
– Birimingham 1858
– White: Paul Morphy
– Black: Dr. Jabez Carr
– Opening: Carr Defense